Implementing deep learning-based named entity recognition for obtaining narcotics abuse data in Indonesia
The availability of drug abuse data from the official website of the National Narcotics Board of Indonesia is not up-to-date. Besides, the drug reports from Indonesian National Narcotics Board are only published once a year. This study aims to utilize online news sites as a data source for collecting information about drug abuse in Indonesia. In addition, this study also builds a named entity recognition (NER) model to extract information from news texts. The primary NER model in this study uses the convolutional neural network-long short-term memory (CNNs-LSTM) architecture because it can produce a good performance and only requires a relatively short computation time. Meanwhile, the baseline NER model uses the bidirectional long short-term memory-conditional random field (Bi-LSTMs-CRF) architecture because it is easy to implement using the Flair framework. The primary model that has been built results in a performance (F1 score) of 82.54%. Meanwhile, the baseline model only results in a performance (F1 score) of 69.67%. Then, the raw data extracted by NER is processed to produce the number of drug suspects in Indonesia from 2018-2020. However, the data that has been produced is not as complete as similar data sourced from Indonesian National Narcotics Board publications.
Application of named entity recognition; Bidirectional-long short-term memory-conditional random field named entity recognition; Convolutional neural network-long short-term memory named entity recognition; Named entity recognition; Narcotics abuse;
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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)
ISSN/e-ISSN 2089-4872/2252-8938
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).