An efficiency metaheuristic model to predicting customers churn in the business market with machine learning-based

Rahmad B. Y. Syah, Rizki Muliono, Muhammad Akbar Siregar, Marischa Elveny


Metaheuristics is an optimization method that improves and completes a task in a short period of time based on its objective function. The goal of metaheuristics is to search the search space for the best solution. Machine learning detects patterns in large amounts of data. Machine learning encourages enterprise automation in a variety of areas in order to improve predictive ability without requiring explicit programming to make decisions. The percentage of customers who leave the company or stop using the service is referred to as churn. The purpose of this research is to forecast customer churn in the market business. Particle swam optimization (PSO) was used in this study as a metaheuristic method to provide a strategy to guide the search process for new customers and obtain parameters for processing by support vector regression (SVR). SVR predicts the value of a continuous variable by determining the best decision line to find the best value. The number of transactions, the number of periods, and the conversion value are the parameters that are visible. Efficiency models are added to improve prediction results through two optimizations: prediction flexibility and risk minimization. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of prediction in reducing customer churn.


Customers churn; Machine learning; Metaheuristic; Particle swam optimization; Prediction; Support vector regression

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)
ISSN/e-ISSN 2089-4872/2252-8938 
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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