Hyperspectral image classification with spectral-spatial feature integration and ensemble learning

Bhavatarini N, Jyothi Aracot Prashant


Hyperspectral imaging (HSI) has emerged as a robust remote sensing and medical imaging tool. However, HSI classification remains a challenging problem due to the high-dimensional data and the need for efficient feature selection and enhancement techniques. The proposed work addresses the problem of spatial feature extraction in spectral-spatial HSI classification tasks. This paper introduces an innovative model addressing the intricacies of spatial feature extraction in spectral-spatial HSI classification tasks, employing a fusion of spectral and spatial features through an adaptive kernel-based Gaussian filtering mechanism to elevate the quality of HSI data and augment classification performance. The classification is executed using three distinct classifiers, whose decisions are harmoniously integrated within an ensemble learning framework to optimize outcomes. The effectiveness of the proposed system is meticulously evaluated across three diverse datasets, Indian Pine, Pavia, and Salinas. This study also compares the model's efficiency against the existing similar work presented in the literature. The results show that the proposed work outperforms existing methods with constantly showing 99% accuracy and kappa score for each dataset, demonstrating its potential applications in various domains such as remote sensing and medical imaging.


Classification; Ensemble learning; Hyperspectral image; Machine learning; Spectral-spatial feature

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DOI: http://doi.org/10.11591/ijai.v13.i3.pp2591-2602


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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)
ISSN/e-ISSN 2089-4872/2252-8938 
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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