Recommendation mobile antivirus for Android smartphones based on malware detection

Hendra Saputra, Amalia Zahra, Faldi Faldi, Ferry Fadzlul Rahman, Sayekti Harits, Wawan Joko Pranoto, Fathur Rahman


The proliferation of smartphone malware attacks due to a lack of vigilance in app selection raises serious concerns. Built-in smartphone security features often must be improved to protect devices from these threats. Although numerous articles recommend top-tier antivirus solutions, there need to be more reliable data sources that raise suspicions about undisclosed promotional motives. This research endeavors to establish a ranking of antivirus efficacy to provide optimal recommendations for Android smartphone users. The research methodology entails a meticulous comparison of malware detection and labeling outcomes between various antivirus programs within Virustotal and the labeling system employed by the Euphony application. The comparative results are categorized into three groups: antivirus solutions proficient in identifying specific malware types, those detecting malware presence without categorization, and antivirus software failing to detect malware effectively. The experimental findings present the five leading antivirus solutions, ranked from the highest to lowest scores, as Ikarus, Fortinet, ESET-NOD32, Avast-Mobile, and SymantecMobileInsight. Based on the comprehensive assessment conducted in this study, these solutions are recommended as the top antivirus choices. These recommendations are poised to significantly aid users in selecting the most suitable antivirus protection for their Android smartphones.


Android malware; Best antivirus; Euphony; Virusshare; Virustotal

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IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence (IJ-AI)
ISSN/e-ISSN 2089-4872/2252-8938 
This journal is published by the Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science (IAES) in collaboration with Intelektual Pustaka Media Utama (IPMU).

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